Before/After School Care

What the Program Has to offer:Elementary-schoolgirl
Chester/Bayview/Gold River

The needs of the children will be met through an environment that provides many opportunities for exploration and independent choice.  The program is flexible, with challenging and fun experiences.  The environment is designed for children to learn through play and active involvement, block play, creative art, dramatic play, science and math, singing and listening to music, games and puzzles.

Children have the opportunity for large muscle activities, both indoor and outdoor play areas.  Teachers will communicate with parents on a daily basis.

$13.00 day/ Full time 5 days a week
$15.00 day/ Part time 1-4 days a week
$26.00 day/ Full day 5 days a week
$28.00 days/ Part day 1-4 days a week

Before School $9.00/day Includes breakfast

All of our Programs meet the food and nutrition regulations.  We have posted menus that rotate every 4 weeks.


Program Hours:

Part Day Program Hours:
Monday-Friday 1:30pm-6pm


Full Day Program Hours:
Monday-Friday 7am-6pm

Family Centre staff and full-time childcare will have priority access and then sign up will be on a first come first serve basis.

*Registration Fee: $15 per child